Animals on the farm

Farm Dogs


Our 100+ pound Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog born in August of 2023. He is calm, independent, exceedingly sweet-tempered and will grow into the role of the farm's vigilant guardian and protector of the farms livestock.


Argos’ sister born in February 2024. She is calm and affectionate with people and playful and confident with dogs. We brought her to the farm to be a playmate and friend for Argos, and we can already tell she will be the alpha in the relationship.


Daisy, our 12-year-old Border Collie mix, has been a part of our family in Illinois, Massachusetts, California, and now Pennsylvania. She adores people, tolerates dogs, enjoys chasing cats, but fortunately has learned to leave the chickens alone.

Barn Cats


Maggie is the largest of the cats and tends to stay close to home. She is very friendly, but she will let you know when she is done being petted.


Kiki is the bravest of the cats and will stand on her hind legs when you reach down to pet her. She blessed the farm when she gave birth to Joy.


Joy is Kiki’s daughter. She is the youngest of the cats on the farm. She likes to hang out by the firepit or take a nap on the porch swing.


Rug-Rat is the smallest and most skittish of the cats, but once she warms up to you she loves the attention.


Prince Charming and Cinderella

Prince Charming is our Ameraucana rooster and Cinderella is our blue egg laying Ameraucana hen. Prince Charming is the favored rooster among the hens.

Thelma and Louise

Two of our 3 laying Welsummer hens. These gals are extremely friendly and enjoy eating treats out of your hand. They lay beautiful dark brown eggs.

Late Bloomer

We have one Delaware rooster we call “Late Bloomer” because he was the last rooster to learn to crow. Our 3 Delaware spring chicks are brave and curious; they are the first to explore new environments and approach people. The hens lay light brown eggs.

Spring Chicks

We brought a variety of 24 chicks home to the farm this Spring, hoping to increase our egg production variety and numbers so we can share farm fresh eggs with our guests.



Dylan once again wielding tools as he did as a boy growing up on 10-acres in Northern California. He spent the first 10 years of his life living in a log cabin in the woods with no plumbing or electricity, riding his pony, crashing his big wheel tricycle and building anything else he needed from scratch.


Living on a farm has been Caroline’s dream since reading “Farmer Boy” as a child. She finds fulfillment in raising animals, growing her own food, and hosting guests on this peaceful piece of paradise.